Artikel » English » First Viseon Trolleybus with VIP facilities Artikel-Infos
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English   First Viseon Trolleybus with VIP facilities
08.12.2011 von admin

Like all of the other eleven vehicles in this order, the VIP bus also provides a recently developed ventilation concept with a highly efficient air conditioning system, which has a total 66 kilowatt cooling power for the passenger space alone. The driver has access to a separate air conditioning system with seven kilowatt cooling capacity. Another special feature of the vehicles for Saudi Arabia is constituted by a curtain of air descending onto the doors, which prevents the influx of hot air from outside when the door is open; this is similar to what you would find at entrances to climatised department stores.

In the coming weeks, Viseon will dispatch the twelve trolley buses for the King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. From the loading terminal located in Landshut, which is near to Pilsting, they will be transported by rail to Bremerhaven. Here the loading of the vehicles onto the ship to Dschidda in Saudi Arabia will be completed and from there they will be transported on low-bed trailers approximately 1000 kilometres by road to Riyadh. Although construction work is still being carried out on the university campus, test runs can be carried out with trolley buses on the five kilometre long section of the future route on the university campus. By the time of the inauguration in February, the construction of the entire eleven kilometre long wire network will have been completed and all twelve Viseon trolley buses will be in operation.

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